Eli5: Schrödinger’s cat theory


Anytime I read about it or when I hear people using it to describe a situation I feel stupid as shit. And how is it can be used to quantumcomputers?
Help a dumbass out. Thanks.

In: 39

11 Answers

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Well a few years earlier, Niels Bohr and Heisenberg came up with the theory of “Copenhagen interpretation” about quantum mechanics.

Which both Einstein and Schrödinger didn’t really agree with, because it didn’t fit according to them. So eventually Schrödinger came up with a thought experiment to disprove Niels and Heisenberg. So the thought experiment is a way to easier help others understand why the Copenhagen interpretation doesn’t always hold up in reality. The thought experiment;

Imagine that you put a cat tied down (as to not mess with the experiment) in a box along with a Geiger-counter(measure radioactive particles), a tiny amount of radioactive substance which has a 50/50 chance of decaying or not decay within one hour, releasing radiation. The Geiger is rigged to when as soon as the atom decays, it’s radiation is detected. Then the Geiger rig releases a hammer that smashes a bottle of poison and kills the cat.

According to Bohr’s and Heisenberg’s theory, after an hour the cat will be both dead and alive at the same time until you open the box and observe it. SOOO basically Schrödinger came up with this idea to show Bohr( and the rest of the academics) how absurd the Copenhagen interpretations is in reality when scaled up a bit. And that it is a huge flaw in his theory.

Well this is my amateurish interpretations of it all at least, please correct me if I’m wrong since it has been many years since I read about it. But I do remember that a lot of people misunderstand the point with it all and I did as well before I saw a documentary when they talked about it and explained it really well.

// Mímir

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