Eli5: Schrödinger’s cat theory


Anytime I read about it or when I hear people using it to describe a situation I feel stupid as shit. And how is it can be used to quantumcomputers?
Help a dumbass out. Thanks.

In: 39

11 Answers

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When you get into Super Crazy Physics, there’s a theory that says a thingie can be simultaneously Possible State 1 *and* Possible State 2. Whenever it interacts with something, *then* it becomes either Actual State 1 or Actual State 2 – but until then, it’s *both* possible states at the same time.

Weird, right? A physicist named Schrödinger also thought it was weird. He came up with an example of just how unlikely he thought the theory was. He said: “So OK, you’re telling me that if there’s a cat inside a box, and there’s a device inside the box that will either kill the cat if it goes into Actual State 1 or let it live if it goes into Actual State 2, then if nothing opens the box to interact with it the device is in *both* Possible State 1 *and* Possible State 2? But that means the cat is both dead *and* alive simultaneously until we open the box? What the fuck, you guys? This idea is dumb.”

Over time, it became misunderstood as him using the “cat in a box” to *explain* the Super Crazy Physics when actually it was him facepalming at the idea.

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