Eli5- similar to pet flea treatments, why can’t they invent a monthly drop for the back of human necks to combat lice?


Eli5- similar to pet flea treatments, why can’t they invent a monthly drop for the back of human necks to combat lice?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s no need. Lice isn’t that prevalent, especially if you take precautions (basic, regular hygiene). Beyond that, if you do catch lice, you can pretty much get rid of it easily enough

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those sort of topical treatments generally have cumulative neurological effects. In smaller animals with shorter life expectancies, the dosages do not have enough time to accumulate to the point of causing measurable neurological damage. In humans, however, this would not be the case.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly because lice is less common once we become older children and adults. It’s common in children because they play together and make a lot more contact with eachother and stuffed toys or mats than say like 12 year olds or older. Lice actually have nothing to do with basic hygiene. Lice in general prefer cleaner hair because it’s easier to navigate. So little kids are rolling around, wrestling, playing in each others hair, sharing toys, yoh name it, that’s why it’s more prevalent in the younger age ranges.