eli5 since diamonds are compressed carbon is it combustible? I don’t think so but why?


eli5 since diamonds are compressed carbon is it combustible? I don’t think so but why?

In: 730

56 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe Nilered on YouTube actually has a video showing him burning crystals and using the gas as a carbonation for a drink

Edit: [here’s the video](https://youtu.be/n0wvDwSnzcw) The entire video is basically an eli5 for how to burn diamond with a fun twist on the end.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can burn diamonds, but they are actually very conductive, so they lose any heat you dump into them very easily, and thus are difficult to heat up to burning temperatures. If you do put them in a blowtorch hot enough for long enough they will ignite and burn away to just CO2 and leave by any impurity metals as dust

Anonymous 0 Comments

teyre made through high heat (extremely high) and pressure. reverse it and yeah you’ll combust them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

teyre made through high heat (extremely high) and pressure. reverse it and yeah you’ll combust them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you tell the difference between a real diamond and a fake?

Take an oxyacetylene torch to it. If it’s fake, it will melt. If it’s real, it will burn up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yep. It’ll burn at high temperatures, such as those that can easily exist in a house fire. With a match or a lighter? Almost certainly not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yep. It’ll burn at high temperatures, such as those that can easily exist in a house fire. With a match or a lighter? Almost certainly not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

diamonds or as i call, piss rocks cause they piss me off due to the mining and ughhh ya’ll know what i mean iykyk about it

but adding on to said question can you really turn coal into diamonds??

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can you tell the difference between a real diamond and a fake?

Take an oxyacetylene torch to it. If it’s fake, it will melt. If it’s real, it will burn up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

diamonds or as i call, piss rocks cause they piss me off due to the mining and ughhh ya’ll know what i mean iykyk about it

but adding on to said question can you really turn coal into diamonds??