eli5 since diamonds are compressed carbon is it combustible? I don’t think so but why?


eli5 since diamonds are compressed carbon is it combustible? I don’t think so but why?

In: 730

56 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your intuition is actually accurate: Diamonds can burn! … but practically speaking, it ain’t happening unless you try. They only burn somewhere around 800 deg C, and they’re really good at shaking off any heat you put into em.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your intuition is actually accurate: Diamonds can burn! … but practically speaking, it ain’t happening unless you try. They only burn somewhere around 800 deg C, and they’re really good at shaking off any heat you put into em.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, they are combustible; however, it takes very specific conditions. Diamond is a VERY stable crystal and therefore doesn’t easily react.

It takes a nearly-pure oxygen environment and a very hot starting flame. The product of burning a diamond is pure CO2.

NileRed did a video where he burned diamonds to make CO2 to use in a SodaStream

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, they are combustible; however, it takes very specific conditions. Diamond is a VERY stable crystal and therefore doesn’t easily react.

It takes a nearly-pure oxygen environment and a very hot starting flame. The product of burning a diamond is pure CO2.

NileRed did a video where he burned diamonds to make CO2 to use in a SodaStream

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here you can see a video of NileRed, a chemist burning diamonds:

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here you can see a video of NileRed, a chemist burning diamonds:

Anonymous 0 Comments


A friend of mine is a jeweller and told me that you can easily vaporize the diamonds in the setting of a piece of jewelery, if you get too close with the flame as a beginner.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A not so fun way to test diamond for being real is to heat it up and dunk it in liquid oxygen. If it burns up and vanished it’s real, if it does nothing it’s glass

Anonymous 0 Comments


A friend of mine is a jeweller and told me that you can easily vaporize the diamonds in the setting of a piece of jewelery, if you get too close with the flame as a beginner.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A not so fun way to test diamond for being real is to heat it up and dunk it in liquid oxygen. If it burns up and vanished it’s real, if it does nothing it’s glass