ELi5: So this is probably a weird one. But why does 25°C feel hotter in NZ than Australia.


I’m in New Zealand. My good friend is in Melbourne.

In the part of New Zealand I’m in, we’ve had some really got days. Like, not coping, many cases of heat stroke etc.

Whereas, heat like that is more normal for him. Is there a reason that 25°c is hotter here in NZ than Australia?

In: 15

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humidity and average temperatures play a role.

If you’re used to very hot summers on average, an extra hot day won’t feel so bad. used to more mild temps and a heat wave will overwhelm people whose bodies are not acclimated.

As for humidity, the main way humans cool off is by sweating. sweating relies on evaporation. High humidity interferes with evaporation.

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