Eli5 techy: online calculator recommends 400W of power supply, but VGA recommends 650W, is there a problem going below recommended?


I’m about to upgrade my desktop computer. Using an online calculator and adding my components, it recommends a bit more than 200W of power. When I replace the VGA with the one that I want, it recommends 400W power. But when checking the VGA alone, it’s store page says: power supply 650W or more recommended.

My question is, I already have a 450W power supply, can I go with it? And what happens if the power is not enough? Will I risk any component?

Obs: Perhaps the calculator specifies raw energy, while the power supplies can deliver like 80% of what they say?

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

400W? What calculator are you using? That seems _insanely_ low by today’s standards.

Regardless, the PSU is the one single component you never, ever want to cut corners on. Always get the absolute best one you can, and that isn’t always the one with the most wattage. Though you do want to overestimate the power draw, just in case.

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