Eli5 the biological purpose of the hymen. What is it even good for?


Eli5 the biological purpose of the hymen. What is it even good for?

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[>some scientists speculate that the hymen helps keep bacteria out of the vagina. Such infection prevention might give hymen-equipped female animals a survival and reproductive edge. But the scientific jury is still out](https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/whats-the-purpose-of-the-human-hymen)

Though to answer kind of an underlying implication with the question, not everything in life has a specific purpose. Some things are just leftover accidents that happened to stick around since they do not have any selection pressure against. There’s a few random “features” on humans alone that don’t have clear purposes and may be left over traits, or just things that there isn’t really a strong reason to get rid of.