Eli5 the difference between simulation theory and holographic principle


How are they similar and how are they different, can both exist, does one have more basis than the other, why are they important?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Instead of giving you 3 walls of text I will refer you to a few good videos on the topic:

Introduction to the simulation hypothesis (this is more philosophy than science):

Kurzgesagt: https://youtu.be/tlTKTTt47WE?feature=shared

Vsauce3: https://youtu.be/3d9i_0Ty7Cg?feature=shared

The science that can be done with this idea (this is about a paper a research team published) from Cool Worlds: https://youtu.be/HA5YuwvJkpQ?feature=shared

And the complete different thing, the holographic principle from PBS Space Time:

Introduction: https://youtu.be/tJevBNQsKtU?feature=shared

The main thing: https://youtu.be/klpDHn8viX8?feature=shared

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