eli5: the F14 tomcat ejection- does it matter if the pilot or RIO initiates ejection


In the original Top Gun, Maverick says that he cannot reach the ejection handles because he is pinned forward, which forces Goose to eject them out of the plane. Would the outcome have been different if Maverick was able to punch them out instead of Goose having to? Or would Goose still have crashed into the canopy?

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8 Answers

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The F-14 used the GRU-7A seats manufactured by Martin Baker. Assuming the seats were set properly, the handles initiate the ejection sequence the same. The back seat goes first and the front seat goes 0.4 seconds later. This prevents the backseater from getting a face full of fire.

Would Goose have hit the canopy is real life? Maybe. If they were really in a flat spin, they may not have had the airspeed required to jetison the canopy from the airplane. But this has nothing to do with the seat sequencing.

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