Eli5: the hand burnig from Fight Club. is that real? Possible? Plausible? if it is, it hurts that much and leave a big mark?


Eli5: the hand burnig from Fight Club. is that real? Possible? Plausible? if it is, it hurts that much and leave a big mark?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chemical burns are very real and very serious. I can’t speak specifically for lye but wouldn’t doubt it. I’ve been burned with a splash of pure nitric acid and it did the same thing to my skin in just a few seconds.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, lye is pretty nasty stuff. It will burn and eat your skin away. Just do a Google image search for lye burns, but don’t actually do that. Seriously don’t look for lye burns.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Chemical burns are real, but the chemical in fight club; lye, is not nearly so nasty as depicted in the movie. Working with lye with bare hands can result in raw tender skin, so it is recommended to use gloves, but it won’t instantly leave a deep chemical burn.

There are other chemicals that can burn your skin as badly as depicted in the movie, or even worse. These chemicals aren’t used in soap making, while lye is, so in the plot of Fight Club it makes sense that Tyler has lye on hand.