ELI5. There is a blank patch of land. How would a state or country go about the massive undertaking of turning it into a city? Would it have to take centuries like NYC? Done in stages? (Small town to city?)


ELI5. There is a blank patch of land. How would a state or country go about the massive undertaking of turning it into a city? Would it have to take centuries like NYC? Done in stages? (Small town to city?)

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8 Answers

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Generally a state or country doesn’t develop a city. Typically people choose to start living in a location together due to a combination of water, timber, fertile soil, location, transportation, food sources, climate, beauty, etc.

Over time this settlement attracts other settlers due to network effects of the what the improvements the earlier settlers make.

If you look at a map, and follow a river or railroad, you’ll notice towns and cities spaced around one days travel on foot or by wagon, or at a relatively safe stopping point after a natural barrier like a mountain pass or edge of a desert.

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