ELI5. There is a blank patch of land. How would a state or country go about the massive undertaking of turning it into a city? Would it have to take centuries like NYC? Done in stages? (Small town to city?)


ELI5. There is a blank patch of land. How would a state or country go about the massive undertaking of turning it into a city? Would it have to take centuries like NYC? Done in stages? (Small town to city?)

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8 Answers

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way #1: people naturally settle in places with useful natural features, and a village -> town -> city develops over time organically, just people building new buildings as they individually need them.

way #2: the state uses public funds to plan and build a whole city from the ground up. Individual buildings or the rights to build on plots are sold to landowners or developers, within the plan laid out.

Most of the time there’s a little of both. All states regulate construction at least a little, and sometimes massive changes are made to a city for the public good.

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