eli5 They say that in programming a game, removing some arbitrary asset will inexplicably cause random bugs to pop up. Why?


Is it that during compilation, the compiler tries to compress and optimize the code in such a way that it “grows roots” into the assets (or vice versa) that if the asset is removed without proper care, the whole thing will collapse into itself? Like, the compiler realized that part of the binary code in one part of the program coincidentally is the same as a snippet of binary code in a nearby asset, so it chops code out to save space?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, it doesn’t work like that. Generally removing assets is completely normal and part of the process, but some care is required.

The same asset may be used for multiple different purposes as a placeholder or as a decor. So some asset that looks like a ventilation pipe in one level might be some small railing in another level. Though game engines should easily detect these things and warn game designers that the asset is actually still used.

This part of things doesn’t necessarily even involve any dedicated code related to that asset. It is just config and level files for the game engine that handles placement of the static assets.

Some assets might be used by the actual code base to do stuff or as placeholders. Like before graphic designers create some rocket assets, developers might just create a simple cube and make launchers shoot those in meanwhile. It is then later replaced with proper assets. This is quite a normal thing during development.

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