eli5: To what extent an injury has to be such that our body stops to regrow, and why?


If we have a small wound, it heals itself. But if our finger is cut, it won’t regrow. So, how does our body determines whether the injury is too serious such that it is incurable?

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ELI5: If we make skin and muscle cells when we heal cuts and heal/generate bones after breaking them, why wouldn’t we be able to grow a finger if one is cut off?
by inexplainlikeimfive

This is functionally the same as this question.
If enough of the structure is gone the body goes from “repair what was broken” to “what was broken no longer even exists so just cover up the area to the best we can.”

And as an honorable mention, this question as well. https://reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/vsmyy4/eli5_how_are_octopi_salamanders_etc_able_to/