eli5: Vacuum Decay / False Vacuum


Ive watched kurgzegagts video but still dont get it

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Every physical system strives to be in the lowest possible energy state, that means every state that has more energy than that is unstable and will try to get away from that.

As an example take a rock on a table. It has more potential energy than on the ground, so if it was allowed to it would immediately drop to the ground. Same for flamable chemicals, they just need a little starting energy and then they react to reach a more stable state releasing all the stored energy. Both of these are irreversible, once they happened they can’t be undone without outside intervention.

Now what is the lowest possible state overall? When there is zero energy in something. We call that vacuum energy, and due to quantum physics that state isn’t absolutely zero, there is some minimum energy a system must have due to quantum effects.

Now what if we are wrong about that, what if there is an even lower vacuum state? Then we could potentially drop down to that, and the world as we know it might stop existing since once something got into that new state it is very unlikely to ever get out of it, and the entire known laws of physics might change dramatically in this new state.

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