eli5: Waves come in at New York, and waves come in at Europe. What happens in the middle?


eli5: Waves come in at New York, and waves come in at Europe. What happens in the middle?

In: Earth Science

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

A good way to think about it is if a tsunami was approaching. The tsunami is barely noticeable out in open water below you, but closer to shore you get, depth is lower so the only place the wave has to go is UP.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I dunno, I find all these explanations quite weird for a 5 year old.

The water is moving the same anywhere, put a wall /coast anywhere in the ocean and you’ll get the same thing.

Imagine a pool, water “waves” up on the sides, but it also waves up against you, just because you’re in the way

Anonymous 0 Comments

On a related note, can you go under a wave? Like in a sub or scuba diving? How far down do they go?