Eli5: Weight vs mass in space


Explain like I’m 5. Ok I’m confused. If I “weigh” 100 lbs on earth it is due to the pull of the earths gravity on my body. But in space I’d be weightless. So how do you calculate mass of something in space ? All this thought because of the new toilet going up to the space station !!!

In: Physics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The 100 lbs is a “force” caused by one “G”, gravity. The concept is you have pound forces and a pound “mass” inherent in every object. Hence 100 lb-mass times one “G” = 100 lb- force. What your 100 lbs weighs on Earth. 100 lbs-force. If “G” is zero in space your 100 lbs-mass x0 = 0 weight (force). This concept applies no matter what G you have. Like acceleration forces, etc. 100 lbm at 2G = 200 lbs-force

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