I was notified of a local theater production hosting a staged reading and I wanted to audition. The auditions aren’t for another few weeks, but as part of the audition, I need to sing 32 bars of a modern musical song and then give a conflicting one minute monologue. I can handle the monologue, but what the hell is a bar?
In: 5
A bar is the notes between the vertical lines on the sheet music.
It usually starts with a thick vertical line, a G clef or F clef, and one thin vertical line, then a 4/4 or whatever teh time signature is, then the notes are written, then there’s a thin vertical line again – those notes are the first bar, the next group of notes up to the next vertical linne are the second bar, etc. Definitely look for some reading material on this – this is very basic stuff (thus eli5) and you will need to become familiar with it. I would personally take a few beginner piano lessons, this is all explained in teh first few lessons.
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