Eli5: what actually happens when you get an adrenaline rush to make you so significantly stronger?


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The human body is much more capable than your normal everyday efforts.

But your body is first and foremost want to stay alive, so there are numerous backups, redundancies, safeguards and first and foremost reserves that are “built in” so even if you feel exhausted after a long run or lifting weights, your internal systems just would not collapse.

Even when you are beaten you actually are very far from your physical limits, what would actually endanger your life

When you are in adrenaline rush, that is what called fight or flight response. The limits and regulations on your body are somewhat lifted so you can fight or flight for your survival. But that is gonna be take it’s toll later.

Another example of these limiting factors are coffee. Caffeine does not give you any energy (coffee has no calories) it just tricks your body that it is not that tired, allowing you to dip into those reserves. That is why if you abuse it, there is a caffeine crash where the tiredness starts to affect physical functions and your body switches to emergency mode and no longer relies on the monitoring of tiredness what coffee messed up. You become extemely tired incentivising sleep and even can faint and go into “power saving mode” to protect vital systems

Fun fact, you being awake and be able to think, speak and just live is actually not essential for you to be alive. That is why when you are tired, concentration is among the first that goes away. Higher brain functions are secondary to vital organs

Also this fight or flight could be triggered by stress, when your brain thinks you have to fight for your life, anxiety literally burns you up and then you crash and you are burnt out

This is why anxiety disorders can affect many of your systems.

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