Eli5: What actually is a yawn? Why and how does it happen? What is the purpose of it?


Eli5: What actually is a yawn? Why and how does it happen? What is the purpose of it?

In: 9

4 Answers

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When you try to inflate a balloon it is very difficult when they are empty. As soon as the balloon is a bit full it becomes much easier.

Your lungs are lots and lots of tiny balloons put together into one lung. When you get tired and you dont breathe in deeply enough, or when you lie down, sometimes these tiny lungballoons close. Then they become difficult to blow open again. A good deep yawn opens them all up again!

When you lie still your muscles become stiff. A good yawn stretches your breathing muscles. So yawning helps with this too. Ever noticed how people sometimes also tend to stretch when they yawn? Feels good right?

Now back to bed little buddy. Practise that yawning, stretching and sleeping.

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