eli5 What actually makes a fruit “ripe”?


Title. In addition, why does fruit become even sweeter when it ripens?

In: 5

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Magic School Bus has a good episode on this with respect to pickles. Microorganisms eat the starches and poop out sugar is the general answer though

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fruits are ripened by plants releasing hormones; a common one is a gas called ethylene.

Ripeness typically gives a bright colour along with the added sweetness; both of which make the fruit more attractive to a passing animal, which will eat it and then poo out its seeds somewhere else, allowing new plants to grow in other locations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ethylene gas, its a plant hormone that triggers the conversion of starch to sugar. it can be used to artificially control the ripening of fruits like bananas and apples and why storing them together ca cause them to ripen more quickly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ripeness is the degree to which the starches within the fruit have turned to sugar. And the answer to your second question is the same.