eli5 what are Computer “Drivers”


After painstakingly installing printer drivers for a thermal printer at work I realized I still don’t truly understand what I was installing. (Bonus points if you can cover video card drivers too cause idk what drivers are In that sense either)

In: 2515

42 Answers

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When you want to get from one place to another, you can call a limo.

The limo is a vehicle, but there are lots of different sizes, styles, engines etc. Some might have a standard transmission, some might have an automatic transmission. Some might have a gas engine, or a Diesel engine. Or might be hybrid. But you don’t care. You just want to get from one place to another.

The limo driver takes your instructions, knows how to get from A to B, and controls the specific vehicle to get you there.

In computers, you have pieces of hardware such as a disk drive (like a vehicle), and you have features like saving and opening files (like going from A to B). A software driver takes the feature and implements it on the specific hardware (like driving the limo). It’s literally in the name.

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