Eli5: What are human body cells made of?


I were never good at Biology, but always wanted to know what a cell is actually made off. I know there are some little things in the cell, but what I meant, what chemical elements is one made off?

I suppose mostly of H2O, but maybe something else. That’s why I’m here, as I couldn’t find anything online. Maybe I’m just too stupid to find things on the web, but anyways, I would love to know it. Thank you guys!

In: 32

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

CHOPNS are the main components of all organic molecules. C-Carbon H-Hydrogen O-Oxygen P-Phosphorous N-Nitrogen and S-Sulfur. There are a lot of other elements in your body, but those are going to be the main ones. However, calcium is going to be a main component of bones. You also have the Sodium Potassium pump, which is how nervous signals are transferred. There are many different types of cells in the body, and each cell will have different elements that make it up for its specific purpose.

Edit: This was not explained to a 5 year old apologies. I thought this was a question in one of the medical subreddits I frequent.

Better ELI5:

The main elements in the living organisms are: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosporous, Nitrogen, and Sulfur. These elements are what is going to make up most of the cells in your body. There are other elements for specialized jobs within the body but there is a lot less of those elements.

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