Eli5: What are human body cells made of?


I were never good at Biology, but always wanted to know what a cell is actually made off. I know there are some little things in the cell, but what I meant, what chemical elements is one made off?

I suppose mostly of H2O, but maybe something else. That’s why I’m here, as I couldn’t find anything online. Maybe I’m just too stupid to find things on the web, but anyways, I would love to know it. Thank you guys!

In: 32

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly water, with little bits of fat, protein, and trace amounts of inorganic compounds.

The vast majority of your body is made up of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen, The next substantial fraction is Nitrogen, and then trace amounts of most of the rest of the main body of the periodic table.

(That is, excluding the noble gasses and super heavy elements.)

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