eli5 what are “natural flavors” and why aren’t they described exactly


eli5 what are “natural flavors” and why aren’t they described exactly

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13 Answers

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Natural flavour: Yoy know how when you eat a kiwi (the fruit, not a new zealand person) it tastes of kiwi (stil the fruit)? Thats a natural flavour made the natural way.

1 kind of Arrificial flavour: I made kiwi flavour in high school (or danish equicalent) chemesty. As a science experiment. Used some stuff yoy would not like to ingest pure. The ‘fake’ kiwi flavour was actualt just an artificial made molecule of the flavour molecule found in a kiwi fruit, thankfully we could clean it from residue of the not used up not so nice substanses enough to be safe/not unpleasant to taste.

Another kind if artificial flavour: sometimes you find a chemical that kind of tastes like something youknow and is nice, but chemicaly a compleatly different molicule. Like how buthanol tastes like almonds. Well, there u have it, a artificial almond flavour. Just dont go ingest it! Buthanol is not so good to drink. But luckely we know that because we tested it (because ppl realy like their alkohols and it sometimes is a byproduct of moonshine/spirits produktion). Some things we dont test properly like we do with any alkohol and THINK ‘well it might be safe’ but then later learns it actualt wasnt quite so safe or harmless. Like how some of tje artificial sugar flavours gives your tummy the runs… or we maybe later learns it gives cancer or detroys the liver or something. Or figure out it might mess witj your metabolism like some arrificial sugar flavour is acused of.

It is cheap though, artificial flavour. Way cheaper than growing tons of strawberry to mash and extract the flavour from. Just get the right chemicals, follow the recipie and remeber tl clean it up realy well (because fake strawberry flavour required the use of HCl acid, learned it because my primary school science teacher did it with another class) and now you can add strawberry taste to whatever you like.

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