eli5: What are the bosons and what do they do?


eli5: What are the bosons and what do they do?

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9 Answers

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Bosons are all fundamental particles that have an integer spin, as well, you can get a composite boson by combining an even number of fermions, so things like Helium 4 is a boson. The fundamental bosons include: the photon, the gluon, the Higgs boson, and W and Z bosons.

One of the big consequences of that is that bosons do not have to comply with the “Pauli exclusion principle”. This lets multiple bosons be in the same state at the same time. (You can shine as much light as you want on a single point, and it allows for something called a “Bose-Einstein condensate”, where all the atoms in your sample act like a single atom, it’s weird).

Also, all particles that carry the fundamental forces are bosons.

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