eli5 What are the downsides of taking a diesel powered truck and converting it to run on used cooking oil?


I’ve seen it done before and was wondering if it’d be worthwhile investment to add kitchen oil removal to my existing family’s trash service and basically get paid to collect fuel for my garbage trucks.

In: 59

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had a friend do this on an old school bus. He installed two 55-gallon tanks under the back of the bus with heaters. He installed heaters in the lines as well. He would start the bus on regular diesel then after a few minutes he would switch it over. He said as long as you switch back to diesel before you turn it off it works just fine. He drove across the country and back and claimed to have only stopped for an actual diesel fill-up once. He said restaurants would let him take as much oil as he wanted because they didn’t have to pay to haul it off.

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