There are three classical states of mater, solid, liquid and gass, solids melts into liquids, and vaporize to gasses, before condensing to liquids and freezing to solids, these are the only matters you gonna interact with in day to day, you also got a 4th state, that falls under the classical matter, plasma, plasma is electrically charged gas, its generated in fluorescent lights, lightning, and neon lights, to create plasma you need to ionize it, and there are two methods for that, and both of them are essentially just add more energy, but the ones you would be thinking of is superconducter, superfluid and supersolid, neither are states you will ever experience, outside of super conductors, which just have zero electrical resistance.
As for states i did not mention like bose-einstein condenstate, they are mostly just hypothetical, and just exists in theory.
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