eli5 What are VLAN tags and what is a difference between tagged and untagged


Hello everyone, I’d like to understand how do VLAN tags work. I am a kid starting my IT journey in my first job and I found out about VLAN tags but I have no idea what they do. What is the difference between tagged and untagged? Looking forward to your replies 😊

EDIT: Thank you guys so much for all your replies. I’ve read all of them and now I get it ❤️

In: 12

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you want to create two separate networks that don’t communicate with each other, you need two physical hardware switches to do this. Eventually we realized that having a separate switch for every single network wasn’t really practical. It can still be done and is a totally valid way of doing it, but most network engineers would say it’s a waste. We created vlans so we can have two separate networks inside the SAME hardware switch. Tagged or untagged simply means this packet is tagged with a vlan or is not tagged with a vlan. You can tag a packet with a vlan a bunch of different ways.. maybe the wireless network you connect to tags your traffic with a vlan, maybe the computer it self is tagging the traffic with a vlan, or maybe we tag ALL traffic received on a port with a vlan. The biggest issues with vlans and learning is some vendors will call ports different things.. Cisco will call a port that can pass multiple vlans a Trunk port, other vendors will call this a tagged port.

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