Eli5 what bernoulli’s principles is and how it works for aviation.


Eli5 what bernoulli’s principles is and how it works for aviation. Been watching videos about it and still cant wrap my head around it, thanks heaps for any help.

In: 847

17 Answers

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Simple example for Bernoulli’s principle is if you open your mouth while skydiving the air moving outside your mouth is moving fast while the air inside your mouth is not moving. The faster moving air is a low pressure area while the slow moving air inside your mouth is high pressure. Just like an inflated tire that has a hole in it, stuff will get pushed from the high pressure area inside your mouth to the low pressure area which means you will have saliva all over your face.

In the case of the wing, the wing is between the high and the low pressure areas. The high pressure area is underneath the wing pushing it up towards the low pressure area.

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