eli5: what causes genes from generations past our grandparents to be expressed back again?


eli5: what causes genes from generations past our grandparents to be expressed back again?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Randomness. Majority of the genes expressing themselves are the same genes first multicellular animals had (and still have); humans synthesize proteins in pretty much the same way as rabbits, birds, snails etc. Some of the genes you think about when you mention “genetations past grandparents” I suspect are things like eye colour etc. These are such a minor part of your genome, and coded by a couple of genes that random luck when they recombine will cause them to create a train that you might not have expected.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have two copies of every gene in your body, one inherited from each parent. Recessive genes only show their effects if both copies of the gene you inherit are recessive. So in the example of getting a trait your grandparent had, both of your parents had a single copy of the recessive gene from their side of the family, and you inherited both.