Eli5 What causes the Wub Wub of windows open at high speeds?


what causes the Wub Wub sound/ vibrations sound when you have some windows open while traveling at high speeds?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Air pressure changing rapidly. The air is running in and out of the car to try to make the inside the same as outside

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to the other answers, if you open two or more windows in the right arrangement, you can eliminate the wub-wub: the air flows in one window and out the other, rather than getting jumbled up inside and going in and out the same window in sequence.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Up end a water bottle (over a sink) the water will “glug glug” out. as the pressure inside drops to a point it sucks air in to balance it before water pushes out again. Same thing with the air in the car the pressure will increase as more air is forced in the window until the pressure is high enough to push air out again. The quick changing pressure will make your ear drums do the glug glug.