eli5: What creates gravity?


If gravity is what holding the planet together. How did gravity came to be in the first place? Can we visualise gravity? Can gravity be increased or decreased? If a planet is destroyed into chunks, will gravity holds the broken planet together?

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4 Answers

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We don’t actually know what creates it. Its one of the fundamental forces of the universe but we’re still missing a Theory of Quantum gravity that ties things together.

Gravity seems to just come from Mass/Energy causing dips in space time and pulling on everything else nearby. Why does it come from Mass? As far as we can tell, it just does. This is the problem with fundamental forces, there is no why as they’re part of the underlying structure.

Destroying a planet into chunks is actually ludicrously hard because of gravity.

Consider asteroids.

You likely just though of a big hunk of solid rock right? Most asteroids are closer to a pile of variously sized gravel that’s all bunched together. Its held together by its gravity. If you were to crack it in half and pull them a little ways apart, their gravity would pull them right back together. Gravity doesn’t change because its a single object instead of two objects, the gravity comes from each tiny pebble and a given pebble always contributes the same amount

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