ELI5- what do cell phone companies actually do?


I’m wondering what service are we actually paying for every month. What does it actually cost to provide data and how do they turn your services off if you don’t pay. Even before the internet was on phones, what did it cost them to provide us with minutes? I understand the phone companies provide the phones, tablets, etc but aside from that I don’t really get what they do that costs so much.

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> but aside from that I don’t really get what they do that costs so much.

these companies generally also own the infrastrucutre that enables the devices to actually connect and as they are responsible for building it and maintaining it(and this isnt free for them) that is how they pass the cost to the customer.

plus the cell companies are not the one providing the phones, Manufacturers like Samsumg, nokia, etc..provide them. what they actually do is allowing said devices ot connect to their networks.

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