Eli5: What do people mean when they say there “trying”?


When a couple days they are trying for a baby what does that mean? I never understood it. Does it mean they used to not have sex? Is baby sex different from normal sex?

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11 Answers

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Usually it means they stopped using birth control. Now they could get pregnant. Before now a pill or condom stopped it.

There are a few things a couple could also do to increase the odds. They might mean any of the following:
1) Timing. Making sure to have sex at the time in the month when they think the woman is most fertile. She typically releases an egg only once a month and can only get pregnant for the few days after that. Sometimes couples pay special attention to make sure there’s sperm around this time.
2) Frequency. They’re having sex more often. It could mean they weren’t having sex at all before but that is rare for modern married couples.
3) Medication. If one of the couple has a medical issue doctors can prescribe something (usually hormones) to make it easier to conceive.
4) Non-sex activity. For example, a man with a low sperm count may change their underwear or stop masturbating so they have more speed when trying to conceive.
5) Positions during and after. Some positions make it a little more likely for the sperm to reach the egg. This is not a big factor for most people but it can have an effect for some people.
6) More active medical. Depending on the individual, there can be more intense medical treatment. IVF for example.

And sometimes people say that to playfully say that they’re having sex a lot. Sometimes people say it to mean “that’s our business leave us alone”.

It’s hard to tell. Just say “good luck” and move on.

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