Eli5: What does a catalyst do to reduce activation energy ?


Whenever I search about this, it always just say they reduce activation energy and provide alternate reaction path but what is it actually doing to achieve this ?

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4 Answers

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To get from reactants to products in a reaction the reaction goes through one or moe intermediates. An intermediate is a highly unstable form that requires alot of energy to maintain. ELI5 If a glass falls on the floor and breaks its reactants the glass will be transformed to products broken glass everywhere. But in a very brief instant all the fragments will be in the shape of a glass. This state is called an intermediate.

An intermediate because it is so unfavourable requires alot of energy to achieve. ELI5 its difficult to assemble all the glass fragments into the shape of the glass or to break the glass so carefully that it maintains its shape.

A catalyst lowers the energy of the intermediate by stabalizing it. ELI5 it wraps the glass in tape before smashing it making it easier for it to maintain its shape. This lowers the energy of the intermediate, which means the reaction needs less energy to go from reactants to products. This allows the reaction to go faster.

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