Eli5 What does “aggravated” mean when added to a criminal charge?


What is the difference between assault and aggravated assault? Identity theft and aggravated identity theft?

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11 Answers

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It’s something needs to be clearly defined within a jurisdiction so the *exact* definition varies from place to place but it basically means “much worse”.

If I attack you physically, ok that’s assault. If I attack you by trying to punch your foot repeatedly, that’s hard to justify as being super “serious” so it’s just assault. If I were to punch you 5 or 6 times hard in the gut, ok, that’s pretty bad, like possibly hospital stay bad, that’s “aggravated assault'”. If punch you 5 or 6 times in the head and that’s not only hospital bad but maybe skull surgery or you’re in a coma bad, then you probably talking attempted murder.

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