eli5 What does Bottlenecking means?


My Graphics card is faster than my CPU like way too fast. I don’t know what that means.

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19 Answers

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Your CPU and your GPU work together to play a game. The GPU draws the pictures, but it’s the CPU that tells the GPU what to draw even simple details like which way you’re looking. For every frame the CPU asks the GPU to draw and then display the frame. If you have a really fast GPU, but a really slow CPU it can happen that the GPU is spending a lot of timing waiting for the CPU to tell it to actually draw a picture or tell it what it should draw. We use the analogy of bottleneck because there will always be something that constrains the speed that your computer can do something. It might be the hard drive, the ram, or the CPU, but as fast as the other components are if they’re waiting they can’t do anything.

Different programs will do a better or worse job of pushing work onto the GPU. For some programs the CPU might not be the bottleneck if the GPU is just being told to move the scene around a bit and draw it again that isn’t very much for the CPU to do, but in others the CPU may need to load scene files or do some work every frame, in those games you’re slow CPU will result in a lower frame rate or the game freezing for a bit

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