[ELI5] What does Chlorine gas do in the body to cause harm?


What does the chemical do in the lungs that causes such harm?

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4 Answers

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There is a property in chemistry called “electronegativity”, which is basically an atom’s desire to rip electrons away from other atoms. How atoms, and then molecules work in chemistry is largely based on their electrons, so losing an electron or two from an atom/molecule can totally change how it works.

Chlorine and elements like Florine, Iodine, Bromine, you’ll notice those elements are all in a column of the Periodic Table and that we use all those elements in first aid and sanitizing wounds, killing microbes in pool water or making cleaning chemicals at home, WHY? Because those elements really, reallly strongly want to RIP away electrons from anything they touch which damages those atoms/molecules. And broken molecules in a living thing = death.

So to answer your question Chlorine gas basically eats away and “breaks” your lungs if inhaled, or can burn your skin or any surface it touches. It does this by breaking down atoms/molecules like I explained above.

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