Eli5 What does it mean to ‘balance the books’?


Eli5 What does it mean to ‘balance the books’?

In: 3

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I know this one, it’s about accounting. Heres a run down

Back before computers and the time of technology when we lived in the black and white era, we used books called ledgers (idky it’s not balance the ledgers) but they would have a ledger for each person they owned money to or something similar to that, and they would have a giant book showing all the money they made owe waiting for etc. Balancing the books was to make sure that everything is all good and the numbers are together, because if my big book says you everyone owes me a combined 1500 and my small book says you owe me 700, I need to find out why the numbers are off

If this is incorrect and someone knows more than me, feel free to correct me, this is just what I understand about this topic

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