eli5: what does it mean to “delete the production database”?

1.11K viewsOtherTechnology

i have absolutely no experience or knowledge in IT/computer science whatsoever. i saw a post about someone who messed up at work by ‘deleting prod’, and apparently that’s a super big deal. google isn’t helping bc i don’t understand any of these CS terms.

In: Technology

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Production” is what you call the databases, programs, systems, etc. that are running the business applications day to day. The ones that other parts of the business are using to conduct their business.

They differ from other labels, like “test” or “QA” which are designed as sandboxes to test and check upcoming changes to production. After something is developed in test and checked in QA, it will be “pushed to prod” where the changes become part of the stack end users are using.

If you delete a production database (or production anything) you are deleting the item that is actually being used, which is _really_ bad. It can shut down entire functions of the company until they can be restored, which can take days (if it can be done at all). Deleting a production database is about the largest screw up an IT professional can make.

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