Eli5 What does it mean when people say “let your subconscious mind run your life”


Very confused about this saying or what people mean by that when they say it.

In: 5

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some people believe that we have a subconscious mind, which is a part of our brain that controls things that we are not aware of. They think that if we let our subconscious mind run our life, then it will make better decisions than our conscious mind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your subconscious mind pretty much knows everything you’ve ever heard or seen, feels everything and is always aware. You may “see” it in your dreams, for example. You may not always be aware, but your subconcious mind is.
So the meaning of it could be to be more intuitive. Let your subconscious mind take the control, aka your true self, and be aware of everything, simply just being.
or thats how I see it. Someone who actually knows about this 💩, please elaborate. 😁

Anonymous 0 Comments

The idea of the subconscious is that there’s a part of our brain that we don’t pay attention to consciously, that’s always working and helping us behind the scenes. You’re not actively remembering to blink all the time or to breathe, your subconscious handles that.

If someone says let your subconscious mind run your life, they are saying that you should try to trust your instincts, the parts of your brain that make decisions on their own, and not think too much about your future. It’s a philosophy based on trusting your first thoughts on a situation rather than analyzing things deeply.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think. Right now. Just choose something and think about it. Remember a song you like. Cringe at an awkward memory. Wrap your head around a math problem.

This is called “Conscious” thought. You choose to think it, and are aware of the thinking process.

How many things in your life do you NOT do that for? Do you spend every waking moment thinking about what your personality is? Remembering how to breathe? Processing every thing you visually see?

Several schools of psychological thought consider these things “Subconscious” thought, that is, things you think without choosing to do so. They believe that there is a second set of mostly automatic thought going on in your brain, all the time.

This subconscious thought, the “subconscious mind”, may contain a wide array of important things. Instinct, muscle memory, emotional processing, quite a bit.

Now let’s get to the main contention of your question. Quite a few people advocate for living life in a way that relies on subconscious thought more than conscious thought. This can be for many reasons.

Some people believe that subconscious thought is stronger (smarter) than conscious thought, so it’s a more useful tool for living. “Trust your gut”.

Some people believe that the subconscious is shared between humanity as a whole, in that all humans have the same basic subconscious thought patterns. This is the “Collective Subconscious” or “Jungian Archetype” theory.

Regardless, there is no clear answer to how accurate or good an idea this is. But the conscious/subconscious divide is a source of argument within a wide range of science, even today.