eli5 What does it mean when someone “dies of depression”?


Does that mean they killed themselves? Kind of like we say someone died of cancer instead of multi-organ failure?

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10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Can either be a permannent ego death, or a physical death by suicide. Also, depression causes cancer. Extended periods of high stress hormones like cortisol has soooo many devastating physical effects, let alone mental affects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

While depression, especially chronic depression, can lead to life-shortening physical ailments, generally the phrase, “Died from depression,” is a euphemism for suicide.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Do you have an example we could check out? I can’t remember ever hearing this. I’ve heard the expression “died of a broken heart,” but I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for. In this instance, from what I understand (based on cursory research while teaching King Lear), the body sends a glut of stress hormones such that it can cause heart trouble. And if you’re already predisposed to heart issues, that can lead to things like small heart attacks, which can be fatal. Perhaps “death from depression” is a similar concept, I’m not sure.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, you stop caring for yourself. My uncle lost his wife and he was a plump dude who looked like Santa. He stopped taking care of himself and lost incredible amount of weight. His body starved and his heart eventually failed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My father recently just passed away from depression, completely stopped caring for himself and his well being. Stopped eating, drinking water, and would only drink alcohol. Died on the way to the hospital in the ambulance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually it’s suicide, or as other posters have mentioned they stopped taking care of themselves and whatever underlying medical issue got them.

But, there is a legitimate medical condition called broken heart syndrome (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy), where a flood of hormones after a stressful situation causes congestive heart failure.


Anonymous 0 Comments

By not caring for themselves example: not eating nor drinking, eventually failing their organs and slowly dying.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have read somewhere about research naming this Give-up-itis. Literally giving up on life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anyone going through this: just stay alive as long as you can, even if it feels like you aren’t making progress, sometimes just waking up is achievement enough. I have found after a decade or two it feels your body is designed to want to recover and it will if you let it. Finally in my late 40’s I am eating healthier and cut out booze.