Eli5: What does percent in DNA mean?


Siblings share 50% of their DNA. Then scientists say we have 1-4% Neanderthal DNA, but say we are 99% related to chimps. Then there is the fact that we share 60% of our DNA with bananas.

In: 18

8 Answers

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DNA is a very complex molecule composed of 4 smaller molecules. We’ll call them A,T,G, and C. These four molecules will arrange themselves in various (long and complex) patterns. ATGC, GCTA, CTGA, and so on. Those different patterns are our genetic code. When siblings share 50% of their DNA it’s half-moms code and half-dads code, but rearranged in different ways that form those individuals genes and DNA. When humans and bananas share 60% of our DNA, 60% of the banana code is the same as found in humans and bananas, and 40% of it is found only in bananas.

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