Eli5 what does the phrase “love to hate” mean. I’ve only heard it regarding characters in tv/movies/books/etc. How can you enjoy hating something?


Eli5 what does the phrase “love to hate” mean. I’ve only heard it regarding characters in tv/movies/books/etc. How can you enjoy hating something?

In: 3

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Someone that’s fun to hate. That makes a good “villain” sometimes.

It can be a normal, non-negative thing sometimes. Think of the “heel” character in professional wrestling. The “bad guy” wrestler that comes in and cheats in the ring, and says mean things, and provides someone for the fans to have fun booing and hissing at, just waiting for the happy ending when the heel finally loses.

Or it can be more actually negative. Someone that is still a “bad person” but not as part of staged entertainment. Just someone that people find entertainment in watching the scandal of. The Kardashians. Kanye. Justin Beiber. People that the public doesn’t like or approve of their actions, but people find it highly entertaining to watch their scandals, and gossip about their latest misdeed. You don’t “like” the bad things they do. But you can’t wait for the next piece of news about “ohhhh did you hear what they did Now? The scandal!”

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