Eli5 what does the phrase “love to hate” mean. I’ve only heard it regarding characters in tv/movies/books/etc. How can you enjoy hating something?


Eli5 what does the phrase “love to hate” mean. I’ve only heard it regarding characters in tv/movies/books/etc. How can you enjoy hating something?

In: 3

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not trying to rile anything up but: Biden/Trump… Most any prominent U.S. politician.

There are people who will go on rants on that person when a topic gets anywhere near politics. Or nowhere near politics. They enjoy venting their hate of the person.

Just the easiest example I can think of because most people either are that person or know at least one person that can rant of the evils of their favorite target for hours.

They literally love to hate that person.

P.S. – please don’t respond saying how your preferred politician is nothing like ‘X’. Or ‘X’ deserves your hate because ‘reason’. I don’t care.

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