Eli5 what does the phrase “love to hate” mean. I’ve only heard it regarding characters in tv/movies/books/etc. How can you enjoy hating something?


Eli5 what does the phrase “love to hate” mean. I’ve only heard it regarding characters in tv/movies/books/etc. How can you enjoy hating something?

In: 3

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In most fictional works, characters typically have some sort of narrative purpose. Heroes should be likable, people to root for. Mentor characters should provide a moral guide for the story. Etc.

Villains and Bad Guys are designed to be hated by the audience. In most traditional stories, you want the audience to dislike your villain, as it gives them something to root against. It can also act as a counterpoint to specific traits in the hero that an author wants to highlight. For example, a brave hero looks better when compared with a cowardly villain.

“Love to Hate” characters are a super-traditional version of this type of character. The story actually makes it fun to dislike them. This can be done in multiple ways- making them evil in an over the top way, making them comical, giving them undeserved success, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A good example of that was Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones.
Everyone hated his guts for the aweful things the spoiled brat did, but when he died, something was missing.

People want emotions be it good or bad ones from series/movies. Hence why horror movies are successfull, the feeling of fear and anxiousness is normaly a bad feeling, still people watch these things with joy because it evokes emotions in them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A good example of that was Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones.
Everyone hated his guts for the aweful things the spoiled brat did, but when he died, something was missing.

People want emotions be it good or bad ones from series/movies. Hence why horror movies are successfull, the feeling of fear and anxiousness is normaly a bad feeling, still people watch these things with joy because it evokes emotions in them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A good example of that was Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones.
Everyone hated his guts for the aweful things the spoiled brat did, but when he died, something was missing.

People want emotions be it good or bad ones from series/movies. Hence why horror movies are successfull, the feeling of fear and anxiousness is normaly a bad feeling, still people watch these things with joy because it evokes emotions in them.