Eli5 what does the s,p,d and f stand for in atomic orbitals? Like is it short for something or is it like the p on pH lost in time?


Eli5 what does the s,p,d and f stand for in atomic orbitals? Like is it short for something or is it like the p on pH lost in time?

In: 297

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental. They were names given to sets of lines observed when alkali metals were heated and the resulting light was studied.

Also, the p in pH stands for power. The pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that a pH of 1 corresponds to an H+ concentration of 10 to the -1 power (or 0.1) M. A pH of 2 is 10 to the -2 power, or 0.01 M.

Edit: TIL that this is not what the p in pH stands for. While it might be a neat way to talk about pH when teaching the topic it has no historical basis.

Edit 2: From a translation of the writings of Sorenson, who originated the pH measurement:

– “The magnitude of the hydrogen ion concentration will
accordingly be represented by means of the normality
factor with regard to the hydrogen ion, and this factor
will be written in the form of a negative potenz (power)
of 10. Since I refer to the above in a later section (see
page 159), here I will mention only that I employ the
name “hydrogen ion exponent” and the symbol pH for
the numerical value of this potenz (power).”

I’m going back to my original explanation that it stands for the power of hydrogen.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

pH= potential Hyroogen. Water is mostly H2O molecules but a small part of it is H+ and OH- ions. The H+ ions are potentially H2 gas, e.g. in an electrolysis cell. pH is minus the log to base 10 of the hydrogen ion concentration (in gram ions per litre). Well that what I was taught 60 years ago, but I since learned that nowadays the definition has been replaced in terms of some measure of electric charge – almost exactly the same in numerical terms.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The s, p, d, and f letters used to denote different types of atomic orbitals originate from descriptions of spectral lines from early spectroscopy research:
– s orbitals are described as “sharp” lines
– p orbitals produce “principal” lines
– d orbitals give “diffuse” lines
– f orbitals correspond to “fundamental” lines
More specifically:
– s orbitals have an azimuthal quantum number (l) of 0
– p orbitals have l = 1
– d orbitals have l = 2
– f orbitals have l = 3
The azimuthal quantum number (l) describes the orbital angular momentum and relates to the shape of the orbital. Higher l values correspond to more complex shapes and higher energy levels.
The principal quantum number (n) denotes the electron shell and always precedes the orbital type letter, like 1s, 2p, 3d, etc. It relates to the size and energy of the orbital.
**The s, p, d, f letters refer to the shape and angular momentum of the atomic orbitals, originating from spectral line descriptions and now formally defined by the azimuthal quantum number. The principal quantum number indicates the shell and energy level.**

Anonymous 0 Comments

s= sphere electrons orbit the atom in a sherical shape in these levels of orbital

p = Peanut, orbital is peanut shaped

d = Donut, although there are 5 options only 1 looks like a donut

F I have never heard a fun shape for.