75% of the Army is not combat arms, Marines a have a slightly higher percentage of combat arms, and the Navy and AF have significantly less. It’s not a dig on the branches it is just due the base mission of each.
Those who are not combat arms do their jobs, medics medic, maintenance maintains, supply supplies, etc. When they aren’t doing that they are training, requals, new skills, etc.
For combat arms, training, always training. Fieldexes, ranges, and equipment maintenance. A lot of time is spent waiting for the next training event or waiting on transport to from training events. Infantry has a lot of time just waiting around then a few minutes of fast action. You’ll spend days in the field to run a live fire lane a handful of times. Walk, then jog, then run.
Source – 10 years Navy aviation supply including a tour with the Marines in Yuma, 3 years Army NG Infantry with a year activated and deployed to Kosovo unit later deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan as Stryker Brigade.
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